Recommendations from the fragrance industry for EU mandate 2024-2029
Recommendations from the fragrance industry for EU mandate 2024-2029
As we stand on the brink of the 2024 European Union elections, the International Fragrance Association (IFRA) reaffirms its commitment to the advancement of safe, sustainable, and forward-looking fragrance practices within the European Union and beyond.
In this strategy paper, IFRA proposes five key policy recommendations for the 2024-2029 EU legislative term. The strategy aims to establish a strong and open partnership, encouraging EU policy makers to work alongside EU industry to benefit European society.
The European Green Deal was the flagship policy of the 2019-2024 mandate. The 2024-2029 mandate needs a shift in priority towards a European Industrial Deal. This would put together a comprehensive plan to revitalize European competitiveness and strengthen the business case for industrial investment and innovation in Europe.
This European Industrial Deal must be designed to help Europe compete globally and complement the European Green Deal, taking an inclusive approach that actually achieves Europe’s vision for a sustainable, carbon-neutral future – building upon leading state-of-the-art scientific, socio-economic, human and cultural resources.
Tens of thousands of Europeans dedicate their lives to the growing of raw materials and the creation of scented products, with an integrated value chain that spans across agriculture, chemistry, retail, personal and home care, and is part of Europe’s economic success story.
These ‘SHIFT' recommendations will highlight how a forward-looking strategy, with mutual engagement between policymakers and industries such as the fragrance sector, could ensure the success of the next mandate.
Consider the interplay between innovation and cultural heritage when evaluating new and existing rules by making use of the policymaking tools available.
Leverage the fragrance industry’s proven safety and sustainability initiatives and expertise in the policy design process.
Embrace the industry’s expertise as a valuable resource for meaningful legislation.
Base decision-making on robust science and data, preserving an exposure-based risk assessment approach.
Design and refine legislation for both competitiveness and environmental goals.
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